Creating Photoshop Cloud Brush

Creating Photoshop Cloud Brush From Photo Creating Photoshop Cloud Brush
In this quick tutorial, I volition exhibit you lot how to practise your ain Photoshop cloud brush from photo.

Photo Source

Creating Photoshop Cloud Brush From Photo Creating Photoshop Cloud Brush
Take a prissy photograph of clear bluish heaven in addition to white cloud. This volition brand the brush creating procedure easier later.

Important! Use solely world domain images or Creative Commons epitome amongst derivative rights. Do non piece of job random photos from google!

Brush Tip

Creating Photoshop Cloud Brush From Photo Creating Photoshop Cloud Brush
Converting the photograph into Photoshop brush is a quick tardily process.
  1. Copy the photograph into a novel canvas. CTRL-T to scale transform. I normally practise brush size less than 500 pixels.
  2. CTRL-SHIFT-U to desaturate the image.
  3. CTRL-I to invert the image.
  4. CTRL-L to to convey upwardly the Level Adjustment panel. Adjust it then the background is white. This is because white is transparent in addition to dark is opaque.

Define Brush Preset

Creating Photoshop Cloud Brush From Photo Creating Photoshop Cloud Brush
Convert the epitome into brush yesteryear using, "Edit > Define Brush Preset".

Brush Settings

Creating Photoshop Cloud Brush From Photo Creating Photoshop Cloud Brush
Select the novel brush nosotros simply created. The brush currently is without whatever settings, then enable "Shape Dynamics", "Scattering" in addition to "Other Dynamics". There is no ane best settings for epitome clouds, you lot volition accept to modify the settings base of operations on your needs.

Shape Dyamics

  • Size Jitter - Randomise brush tip size. Enable "Pen Pressure" volition scale brush tip base of operations on pen pressure.
  • Minimum Diameter - Minimum brush tip size.
  • Angle Jitter - Randomise brush tip rotation. Enable "Rotation" or "Direction" volition rotate brush tip base of operations on pen angle.
  • Roundness Jitter - Randomise brush tip shape roundness. It volition squelch the tip shape vertically.
  • Minimum Roundness - Minimum brush shape roundness.


  • Scatter - Randomise brush tip location. Enable "Both Axes" volition scatter on X in addition to Y axis.
  • Count - Number of brush tip scatter. Default 1 is proficient enough

Other Dynamics

  • Opacity Jitter - Randomise brush tip opacity. Enable "Pen Pressure" volition comport on brush tip transparency base of operations on pen pressure.
  • Flow Jitter - Randomise brush tip flow. Enable "Pen Pressure" volition comport on brush tip transparency base of operations on pen pressure.

Both "Opacity" in addition to "Flow" comport on transparency. But "Flow" volition add together upwardly the value equally you lot pigment without lifting upwardly your pen.


Youtube Creating Photoshop Cloud Brush
DeviantArt Photoshop Cloud Brush

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