Pixel Avatar Maker

 Did this elementary flash tools to brand your ain pixel avatar during  Pixel Avatar Maker
Did this elementary flash tools to brand your ain pixel avatar during 2013, which tin last purpose equally your social media profile pic.

Pixel Avatar

Below are or then quick possibilities of what y'all tin utilization alongside this editor.

 Did this elementary flash tools to brand your ain pixel avatar during  Pixel Avatar Maker

Behind The Scene

Programming this is real simple. I genuinely pass to a greater extent than fourth dimension creating the graphics. If y'all create upwards one's heed to brand your ain avatar maker inwards Flash, at that topographic point are exclusively few things y'all need to know

Changing Graphic Option
Different graphic sections (Hair, Eye, Mouth, Nose...) are shop inwards dissimilar MovieClip too nested inwards a principal MovieClip. Different options (Hair style1, Hair fashion 2, Hair style3...) are shop inwards dissimilar frames. Then, y'all tin merely "gotoAndStop" on a item frame. For example:


 Did this elementary flash tools to brand your ain pixel avatar during  Pixel Avatar Maker In my case, the file size is quite pocket-size too I am doing this all past times myself, then I merely did all the graphics inwards 1 SWF. You could in all likelihood did a business office to charge graphics from external swf/jpg/gif.

Changing Color
To alter color, y'all merely need to tint the movieclip. For example:

  var tmpColor:Color=new Color(); var tmpTint:uint = e.target.selectedColor; //value from colorpicker subdivision     tmpColor.setTint(tmpTint,1); mcAvatar.hair.transform.colorTransform = tmpColor;  

 Did this elementary flash tools to brand your ain pixel avatar during  Pixel Avatar Maker You in all likelihood volition also desire to farther carve upwards the graphic into to a greater extent than section, equally tinting a MovieClip, volition alter the whole clip color.

Exporting Image
To export icon from ActionScript. Download too install AS3CoreLib. Then y'all tin purpose the next script to export image.

  import com.adobe.images.JPGEncoder; var tmpBitmap:BitmapData=new BitmapData(mcAvatar.width, mcAvatar.height); tmpBitmap.draw(mcAvatar);    var tmpJPG:JPGEncoder = novel JPGEncoder(100); var tmpByte:ByteArray;  tmpByte = tmpJPG.encode(tmpBitmap);       var tmpFile:FileReference=new FileReference(); tmpFile.save(tmpByte, "avatar.jpg");   

Pixel Me!

You tin crusade to pixel avatar maker inwards my deviantart. This is railroad train alongside Flash AS3, then y'all mightiness non last able to persuasion alongside your mobile phone.

 Did this elementary flash tools to brand your ain pixel avatar during  Pixel Avatar Maker


Pixel Avatar Maker Deviantart

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