Photoshop Grass Paradigm Tutorial

 This is a brief tutorial on how to pigment grass amongst lite in addition to shadow using Photoshop Photoshop Grass Painting Tutorial
This is a brief tutorial on how to pigment grass amongst lite in addition to shadow using Photoshop. The primal stride is to seperate the shadow into a dissimilar layer, in addition to therefore nosotros tin brand changes easier.


 This is a brief tutorial on how to pigment grass amongst lite in addition to shadow using Photoshop Photoshop Grass Painting Tutorial
Start ikon the grass inward 1 layer. The default grass brush is expert enough, simply at that spot are few settings yous could change.
  • Shape Dynamics - Flip X Jitter (No Flip Y Jitter every bit nosotros don't desire upside downwards grass), Size Jitter, Angle Jitter, Roundness Jitter
  • Scattering
  • Color Dynamics - Hue, Saturation, Brightness. I disable the Background/Foreground Jitter, simply it tin hold upwards usefull if yous pick out 2 shades of light-green for it in addition to command via pen pressure.


 This is a brief tutorial on how to pigment grass amongst lite in addition to shadow using Photoshop Photoshop Grass Painting Tutorial
Add to a greater extent than or less other layer, in addition to pigment the leaves shadow (cast from tree) using bluish / cyan hue color. The foliage brush I used are from Xong Bros, I compile a brush download listing inward this page.

 This is a brief tutorial on how to pigment grass amongst lite in addition to shadow using Photoshop Photoshop Grass Painting Tutorial
Distort the shadow layer (CTRL-T) to plough over it a chip perspective in addition to alter the layer blending agency to multiply. You tin become dorsum to alter the shadow layer color if it is likewise nighttime or bright.

At the 2nd it await similar the shadow is casting on a apartment surface, ignoring the grass detail. To come across what I mean, await at the photograph I took below.

 This is a brief tutorial on how to pigment grass amongst lite in addition to shadow using Photoshop Photoshop Grass Painting Tutorial  This is a brief tutorial on how to pigment grass amongst lite in addition to shadow using Photoshop Photoshop Grass Painting Tutorial

 This is a brief tutorial on how to pigment grass amongst lite in addition to shadow using Photoshop Photoshop Grass Painting Tutorial
Use the grass brush again, pigment in addition to erase on the shadow layer. Remember to exercise the same bluish / cyan color!

Glow / Highlight

 This is a brief tutorial on how to pigment grass amongst lite in addition to shadow using Photoshop Photoshop Grass Painting Tutorial
Add a novel layer in addition to alter blending agency to "screen". Use a soft circular border to pigment on the expanse surrounding the shadow.

 This is a brief tutorial on how to pigment grass amongst lite in addition to shadow using Photoshop Photoshop Grass Painting Tutorial
As an extra step, yous tin add together a to a greater extent than or less other layer in addition to alter blending agency to "screen". Use the grass brush to pigment to a greater extent than or less expanse amongst brightest grass.


Below is a rattling unproblematic animation amongst grass in addition to speed upwards ikon progress video.


This is the in conclusion artwork which I bring upload both inward my pixiv in addition to deviantart.

 This is a brief tutorial on how to pigment grass amongst lite in addition to shadow using Photoshop Photoshop Grass Painting Tutorial


DeviantArt Summer Grass
Pixiv Summer Grass
Youtube Lets Paint Summer Grass

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