Comic Fiesta 100 Days Countdown 2014

 H5N1 lot of peoples were curious close the   Comic Fiesta 100 days countdown 2014
Participated inwards the 100 days countdown upshot for Comic Fiesta 2014 amongst the subject of "Space Exploration". H5N1 lot of peoples were curious close the 3D that I used inwards this artwork, as well as thus I idea of sharing unopen to behind the scene screenshot.


This is the terminal artwork. You tin sentiment the larger version inwards my deviantart or pixiv.

 H5N1 lot of peoples were curious close the   Comic Fiesta 100 days countdown 2014

3D render

3D objects are model as well as homecoming amongst Blender3D internal render. Render is relieve inwards unlike layers of alpha PNG image, as well as thus I tin add together inwards the background easily.

 H5N1 lot of peoples were curious close the   Comic Fiesta 100 days countdown 2014
Viewport screenshot GLSL view. I entirely model objects that are visible from the camera.

 H5N1 lot of peoples were curious close the   Comic Fiesta 100 days countdown 2014

Before as well as After Painting

Image below exhibit the earlier as well as afterward pigment over the 3D homecoming using Photoshop


All characters inwards the scene are depict as well as colouring amongst Firealpaca. I prefer firealpaca over photoshop when come upwards to business art. It arrive at far to a greater extent than sharper / clearer stroke as well as smoother curve.

 H5N1 lot of peoples were curious close the   Comic Fiesta 100 days countdown 2014  H5N1 lot of peoples were curious close the   Comic Fiesta 100 days countdown 2014


DeviantArt Comic Fiesta 100 days countdown 2014
Pixiv Comic Fiesta 100 days countdown 2014

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