Anime Cloud Tutorial

  This tutorial volition utter over inward item on how to pigment unlike types of clouds inward anime  Anime Cloud Tutorial
This tutorial volition utter over inward item on how to pigment unlike types of clouds inward anime way based on my observations of cloud icon inward diverse anime.

brush settings for icon anime cloud as well as creating custom Photoshop cloud brush.

Types of Clouds

Before moving further, lets await at unlike type of clouds.

  This tutorial volition utter over inward item on how to pigment unlike types of clouds inward anime  Anime Cloud Tutorial
The naming for clouds tin last confusing. So, hither is a listing of useful information on how naming is done.
  • Cirro = High height clouds
  • Alto = Mid height clouds
  • Nimbo / Nimbus = Clouds that convey rain
  • Cumulo = Piles of clouds
  • Stratus = Wide apartment layer of clouds

Although nosotros are non learning meteorology here, but it is ever practiced to retrieve in that location are unlike type of clouds inward the sky. For example, nosotros desire to avoid icon high height clouds infront of depression height cloud.

Painting Basic Cumulus Clouds

  This tutorial volition utter over inward item on how to pigment unlike types of clouds inward anime  Anime Cloud Tutorial
This is the basic clouds which nosotros volition last icon a lot of times inward unlike artworks. Mastering this clouds volition aid alot when come upwards to icon landscape art.

  This tutorial volition utter over inward item on how to pigment unlike types of clouds inward anime  Anime Cloud Tutorial
  1. Use "Chalk", "Charcoal" or "Oil Pastel" brush to depict cloud shape.
  2. Lock layer transparency as well as shade the cloud. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 lot of time, nosotros tin purpose 50% opacity of the heaven coloring for shading.
  3. Use smudge tool to blend the colours.
  4. Unlock layer transparency as well as smudge the border of cloud. This pace is optional but volition add together some wispy await nearly the edge.
The basic cloud await slowly to paint, but in that location are 2 of import factors to remember, which I volition utter over farther below.
  • Avoid icon cloud symmetricaly.
  • More randomness inward cloud placement as well as cloud shape.

Shape of Cloud

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 lot of fourth dimension nosotros desire to avoid icon cloud that await symmetry.

  This tutorial volition utter over inward item on how to pigment unlike types of clouds inward anime  Anime Cloud Tutorial
Cloud on the left is symmetry as well as await to a greater extent than cartoony. Cloud on the correct is asymmetry as well as await to a greater extent than natural. Since nosotros are panting anime way artwork which is semi-realism, the minute cloud move ameliorate for us.

  This tutorial volition utter over inward item on how to pigment unlike types of clouds inward anime  Anime Cloud Tutorial
The cast of clouds also varies depend on the angle nosotros are viewing them. Cloud that are unopen to the us way nosotros are viewing it from below. We tin encounter the side of clouds when it is far away as well as nearly the horizon.

Placement of Cloud

Random placement of clouds inward the heaven volition last to a greater extent than visually kernel pleasing. The kickoff epitome below demo a to a greater extent than symmetry layout. There is nada incorrect alongside this, every bit it volition move good certainly cartoon way artwork. But again, nosotros are trying to do anime way artwork as well as then the minute epitome alongside random cloud placement move ameliorate for us.

  This tutorial volition utter over inward item on how to pigment unlike types of clouds inward anime  Anime Cloud Tutorial   This tutorial volition utter over inward item on how to pigment unlike types of clouds inward anime  Anime Cloud Tutorial

Colours of Cloud

Time of day, seasons, weather, sum of low-cal scatter inward clouds. All these factors volition touching on the colours as well as shading of cloud. By changing the coloring palette of clouds, nosotros tin purpose this basic clouds for unlike fourth dimension of day.

adding glowing Sun low-cal into artwork.


When Sun is casting low-cal behind the clouds, it volition fully lit the thinner cloud as well as add together a rim low-cal only about the thicker clouds.

  This tutorial volition utter over inward item on how to pigment unlike types of clouds inward anime  Anime Cloud Tutorial   This tutorial volition utter over inward item on how to pigment unlike types of clouds inward anime  Anime Cloud Tutorial

Light Ray Effect

Sometimes nosotros volition encounter low-cal rays radiate from heaven only about the clouds. Light rays tin last easily generate yesteryear using displace blur or radial zoom blur.

  This tutorial volition utter over inward item on how to pigment unlike types of clouds inward anime  Anime Cloud Tutorial
  1. Add a novel layer as well as pigment only about the expanse where low-cal ray volition last visible.
  2. Apply displace blur or radial zoom blur.

Painting Light Ray.

Night Cloud

  This tutorial volition utter over inward item on how to pigment unlike types of clouds inward anime  Anime Cloud Tutorial
Cloud nonetheless have low-cal from metropolis lights or Luna during the night. So, nosotros tin pigment the cloud alongside brilliant or black coloring depending if in that location is low-cal scatter inward them.

Generating pelting drib alongside Photoshop.

I am lost as well as can't pigment alongside default Photoshop brush!

Photoshop brush download page.

  This tutorial volition utter over inward item on how to pigment unlike types of clouds inward anime  Anime Cloud Tutorial
Below is a trial of using some of the custom brush.

  This tutorial volition utter over inward item on how to pigment unlike types of clouds inward anime  Anime Cloud Tutorial

And this score the destination of my anime cloud icon tutorial. Just remember, practise makes perfect as well as continue on icon happy piffling clouds similar Bob Ross ever said.

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