Creating Photoshop H2o Moving Ridge Brush

 Custom H2O moving ridge brush are useful for icon lake Creating Photoshop Water Wave Brush
Custom H2O moving ridge brush are useful for icon lake, river or ocean. In this quick tutorial, I volition demo you lot the steps to exercise moving ridge brush inward Photoshop.

Brush Tip

 Custom H2O moving ridge brush are useful for icon lake Creating Photoshop Water Wave Brush
Draw the brush tip shape. The kind on the left is a drawing together with on the correct is from a photo. Using photograph brush tip kind volition conk inward to a greater extent than realistic.

Define Brush Preset

Convert the paradigm nosotros describe past times using, Edit > Define Brush Preset.

 Custom H2O moving ridge brush are useful for icon lake Creating Photoshop Water Wave Brush

Shape Dynamic together with Scattering

Now, select the novel brush nosotros simply created. The brush currently is without whatever settings, then enable Shape Dynamics together with Scattering

 Custom H2O moving ridge brush are useful for icon lake Creating Photoshop Water Wave Brush  Custom H2O moving ridge brush are useful for icon lake Creating Photoshop Water Wave Brush
Shape Dyamics
  • Size Jitter - Randomise brush tip size. Control amongst Pen Pressure.
  • Minimum Diameter - Minimum brush tip size.
  • Flip X Jitter - Randomly fliping brush tip inward X axis.

  • Scatter - Randomise brush tip location. Enable Both Axes then it scatter on X together with Y axis.
  • Count - Number of brush tip scatter. Default i is proficient enough

Below is video recording on creating custom Photoshop H2O moving ridge brush together with on how it tin plough over the axe last purpose inward a icon

Saving The Brush Settings

After changing all the brush settings, nosotros volition necessitate to relieve it over again via New Brush Preset inward the brush panel. If nosotros don't exercise this, nosotros volition lose all the settings! Then nether the brush panel again, pick out Save Brushes to backup your whole gear upwards of brush.

 Custom H2O moving ridge brush are useful for icon lake Creating Photoshop Water Wave Brush
To chop-chop delete the brush without settings, ALT-CLICK on it.


Some of my artworks which purpose like H2O moving ridge brush for painting.


Youtube Creating Photoshop Water Wave Brush

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