Comic Fiesta 100 Days Countdown 2016

 days countdown artwork challenge for Comic Fiesta  Comic Fiesta 100 Days Countdown 2016
Participated 100 days countdown artwork challenge for Comic Fiesta 2016 alongside the subject of "Super Powers Heroes". As usual, I used 3D models for the background cityscape.


This is the lastly artwork. You tin sentiment the larger version inward my deviantart or pixiv.

 days countdown artwork challenge for Comic Fiesta  Comic Fiesta 100 Days Countdown 2016

3D render

3D objects are model together with homecoming alongside Blender3D internal render. The urban marrow is generate from OSM data. Render is salvage inward dissimilar layers of alpha PNG image, together with therefore I tin add together inward the background easily.

 days countdown artwork challenge for Comic Fiesta  Comic Fiesta 100 Days Countdown 2016  days countdown artwork challenge for Comic Fiesta  Comic Fiesta 100 Days Countdown 2016

Before together with After Painting

Image below exhibit the earlier together with afterward pigment over the 3D homecoming using Photoshop.


All characters inward the scene are line together with coloring alongside Firealpaca. In my ain experience, Firealpaca gain clearer stroke together with smoother curve. It is a improve software for inking comparison alongside Photoshop.

 days countdown artwork challenge for Comic Fiesta  Comic Fiesta 100 Days Countdown 2016


DeviantArt Comic Fiesta 100 days countdown 2016
Pixiv Comic Fiesta 100 days countdown 2016

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