Painting Window Lake Scene

t pigment that much interior scene equally I am lazy to line perspective objects Painting Window Lake Scene
I didn't pigment that much interior scene equally I am lazy to line perspective objects. But inwards this video, you lot tin variety off encounter how I my approach inwards icon interior.

To pigment interior, basically I volition
  • Draw the contour/shape of the object
  • Color blend the object alongside soft border brush. Look into if the object surface is reflective too
  • Paint the bevel/specular of the object alongside difficult border brush


The icon procedure took some xl minutes.


This is the terminal artwork which I bring upload both inwards my pixiv together with deviantart. It differ slightly from the video equally I forget to pigment the side of the window inwards the youtube video.

t pigment that much interior scene equally I am lazy to line perspective objects Painting Window Lake Scene


DeviantArt Window Lake Scene
Pixiv Window Lake Scene
Youtube Lets Paint Window Lake Scene

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