Photoshop Starfield Starry Nighttime Tutorial

Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial
In this tutorial, I volition exhibit you lot how to pigment starfield yesteryear using a custom brush in addition to also a quick means to "generate" starfield inward Photoshop yesteryear using noise.

First, lets practice a custom stars brush for Photoshop. These are the steps on how to practice star brush inward Photoshop.

Brush Tip

Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial
Draw the brush tip sort amongst random dotted pattern.

Define Brush Preset

Convert the epitome nosotros depict yesteryear using, Edit > Define Brush Preset.

Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial

Shape Dynamic in addition to Scattering

Now, select the novel brush nosotros merely created. The brush currently is without whatever settings, in addition to thus enable Shape Dynamics in addition to Scattering

Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial
Shape Dyamics
  • Size Jitter - Randomise brush tip size. Control amongst Pen Pressure.
  • Minimum Diameter - Minimum brush tip size.
  • Angle Jitter - Randomly rotate brush tip.
  • Flip X Jitter - Randomly fliping brush tip inward X axis.
  • Flip Y Jitter - Randomly fliping brush tip inward Y axis.

  • Scatter - Randomise brush tip location. Enable Both Axes in addition to thus it scatter on X in addition to Y axis.
  • Count - Number of brush tip scatter. Default 1 is proficient enough

Saving The Brush Settings

After changing all the brush settings, nosotros volition involve to relieve it over again via New Brush Preset inward the brush panel. If nosotros don't practice this, nosotros volition lose all the settings! Then nether the brush panel again, select Save Brushes to backup your whole ready of brush.

Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial
To speedily delete the brush without settings, ALT-CLICK on it.

Painting The Starfield

With the custom star brush created, lets pigment some starfield!

Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial
Add a novel layer, in addition to pigment the heaven color amongst photoshop soft border circular brush.

Generating Starfield With Noise

Now, lets generate some distance stars using dissonance filter.

Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial
  • Add Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 novel layer in addition to fill upward it amongst dark colour.
  • Go to Filter > Add Noise.
  • Change total to 5% in addition to ready monochromatic

Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial
  • CTRL-L to conduct upward the Level Adjustment.
  • Adjust the levels in addition to thus some dissonance are brilliant in addition to some are dim. Refer to epitome above.
Currently, the generated stars nonetheless seem evently inward the whole image. We volition involve to alter it in addition to thus certainly piece of employment volition accept star clusters, in addition to some piece of employment accept volition less stars.

Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial
  • To add together to a greater extent than stars, usage a soft border circular brush for clone postage stamp tool (screen mode)
  • To take stars, usage eraser tool

Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial
After you lot are done adjusting the star layer, ready its blending mode to screen in addition to it volition await something like to this.

Painting More Stars

Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial
Add a layer amongst screen or add blending mode. Then usage the star brush nosotros created before to add together to a greater extent than stars inward the scene. I ordinarily usage the brush for bigger stars.

Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial
Add a layer amongst color dodge blending trend in addition to usage a cloud brush to pigment some nebula. You tin download custom cloud brush inward my brush listing page.

Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial
Add a layer amongst screen or add blending mode. Use those default photoshop star brush to add together to a greater extent than stars unopen to the nebula.

Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial
Last, add together some other layer amongst screen blending mode. Use photoshop soft border circular brush to pigment some glowing final result close the nebula.


Below is a timelapse video on epitome starfield. The epitome procedure took unopen to xl minutes, but the railway was model in addition to homecoming earlier.


Some of my artworks which usage like method to pigment starry dark in addition to starfield.

Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial Photoshop Starfield Starry Night Tutorial


DeviantArt Starry Night
Pixiv Starry Night
Youtube Photoshop Painting Starry Night

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