Vector Fine Art Using Flash Animate

 This is a walkthrough on how I did my vector arts using Adobe Flash or amend known equally An Vector Art Using Flash Animate
This is a walkthrough on how I did my vector arts using Adobe Flash or amend known equally Animate now. Most people volition purpose Illustrator for vector tracing, but I am doing it inwards Flash. If y'all are doing it for print, y'all should describe it inwards Illustrator since that is the criterion file format for printing. It is non an in-depth tutorial, but it volition compass y'all a clear sentiment on how I did my vector artworks amongst Flash instead of Illustrator.

Quick Sketch

Before anything else, I ever drive to visualize on how the terminal artwork going to be. Some peoples volition outset to create fossil oil sketch to generate ideas piece roughly volition await for references. So, select a method which move best for you. After getting a fossil oil idea, I volition create a quick sketch to meet if I am happy to overstep along amongst it.

 This is a walkthrough on how I did my vector arts using Adobe Flash or amend known equally An Vector Art Using Flash Animate If I am happy amongst the idea, I volition in addition to hence overstep along to build clean upward the sketch. The lines doesn't bespeak to survive super build clean equally nosotros are alone using it equally a guidance for vector tracing.

 This is a walkthrough on how I did my vector arts using Adobe Flash or amend known equally An Vector Art Using Flash Animate


First, lower downwards the opacity of the sketch in addition to purpose a blueish coloring cloth work for tracing. This teach inwards easier for me to meet the vector line.

 This is a walkthrough on how I did my vector arts using Adobe Flash or amend known equally An Vector Art Using Flash Animate

Base Color

After destination tracing, I outset to position inwards the base of operations coloring cloth for the vector. Sometime using coloring cloth reference tin survive a skillful thought too.  This is a walkthrough on how I did my vector arts using Adobe Flash or amend known equally An Vector Art Using Flash Animate


Some people prefer vector fine art without outline piece roughly prefer night bold outline. There is no incorrect or correct equally it is simply dissimilar mode of vector art. In this artwork, I volition overstep along amongst a bold dark coloring cloth outline. So, alter the blueish work to a dark coloring cloth outline.  This is a walkthrough on how I did my vector arts using Adobe Flash or amend known equally An Vector Art Using Flash Animate

Highlight in addition to Shadow

Some vector fine art skip this pace completely. But for the type of vector fine art I am doing, it ever await amend amongst the shading. In this case, I imagine at that topographic point is a low-cal origin on pinnacle left, hence everything volition survive brighter on pinnacle left, darker on bottom right. With this ii band of coloring cloth shading, the artwork volition outset to await a flake similar jail cellphone shaded 3D.

 This is a walkthrough on how I did my vector arts using Adobe Flash or amend known equally An Vector Art Using Flash Animate

To separate or add together inwards the shading, purpose roughly other work mode to describe the terminator of the shadow. In this example, I am using a blueish coloring cloth hairline. Then position inwards the darker shade of coloring cloth in addition to take away the blueish coloring cloth line.

 This is a walkthrough on how I did my vector arts using Adobe Flash or amend known equally An Vector Art Using Flash Animate

 This is a walkthrough on how I did my vector arts using Adobe Flash or amend known equally An Vector Art Using Flash Animate

Optional step

We tin ever import the vector fine art into Photoshop to create roughly terminal comport upon up. But virtually people won't take in this equally a pure vector fine art anymore. In my case, I added the forest texture background, frame the artwork within polaroid icon in addition to did roughly coloring cloth adjustment.

 This is a walkthrough on how I did my vector arts using Adobe Flash or amend known equally An Vector Art Using Flash Animate


Some other vector arts I did long fourth dimension ago.

 This is a walkthrough on how I did my vector arts using Adobe Flash or amend known equally An Vector Art Using Flash Animate  This is a walkthrough on how I did my vector arts using Adobe Flash or amend known equally An Vector Art Using Flash Animate

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