Ipcc 2008 Comic Challenge Loop

".loop" is an interactive comic projection I did together alongside Milx inwards 2008 for IPCC. The presentation fabric was originally animate alongside Flash, simply I redid the animation inwards AfterEffects together with thus I tin upload it online inwards video format.

Sci-fi activity opportunity close a daughter who travels through fourth dimension alongside a mission to right humankind by mistakes. But nonetheless she could survive the business office of the mistakes!


I get got upload the animated comic inwards both my Youtube together with Vimeo channel.


 is an interactive comic projection I did together alongside Milx inwards  IPCC 2008 Comic Challenge loop  is an interactive comic projection I did together alongside Milx inwards  IPCC 2008 Comic Challenge loop  is an interactive comic projection I did together alongside Milx inwards  IPCC 2008 Comic Challenge loop


Milx - Comic together with Illustration
Mclelun - Animation together with Compositing


Vimeo IPCC 2008 Comic Challenge .loop
Youtube IPCC 2008 Comic Challenge .loop

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