Anime H2o Moving Ridge Sparkle Glitter Tutorial

 This is a curt tutorial on animating anime trend H2O moving ridge together with sparkle glitter using Af Anime Water Wave Sparkle Glitter Tutorial

This is a curt tutorial on animating anime trend H2O moving ridge together with sparkle glitter using AfterEffects. This tutorial volition live on using sunset seaside topic but the animation method tin live on apply inwards other settings such equally a brilliant sunny solar daytime nigh a lake or river.

Painting The Background

Paint the background plate usually but exit the body of body of water H2O without whatever details since nosotros volition live on animating the waves together with glitter later.

 This is a curt tutorial on animating anime trend H2O moving ridge together with sparkle glitter using Af Anime Water Wave Sparkle Glitter Tutorial
Pay attending on the slope of the body of body of water color. Look at how the expanse nigh to the Sun is inwards brighter color land the corners are inwards darker shade.

More Tutorial! You tin read my other tutorial on anime cloud painting

Water Wave Effect

Water moving ridge outcome tin live on accomplish using procedural cloud texture.

 This is a curt tutorial on animating anime trend H2O moving ridge together with sparkle glitter using Af Anime Water Wave Sparkle Glitter Tutorial
In AfterEffects, apply "Fractal Noise" filter on a dark corporation together with alter the next settings:

  • Fractal / Noise Type - Leave this equally default but you lot tin experiment amongst other type.
  • Transform - Disable "Uniform Scaling" together with and stretch the dissonance horizontally.
  • Offset Turbulence - Offset the texture. Animating the offset value attain the impression of moving water.
  • Evolution - You must animate this value for the dissonance animation, else it volition remain static.

Remember to purpose "Corner Pin" filter to stretch the texture to check the horizon.

Water Sparkle Glitter effect

Glitter outcome tin live on accomplish using a particle arrangement emit alone on a apartment axis.

  1. Set particle emitter to emit inwards 2 axis, the H2O level.
  2. Disable physic. Bo velocity together with gravity are needed. (maybe real minimal)

 This is a curt tutorial on animating anime trend H2O moving ridge together with sparkle glitter using Af Anime Water Wave Sparkle Glitter Tutorial
In AfterEffects,aApply "CC Particle World" filter on a dark corporation together with alter the next settings:

  • Birth Rate - How many particles.
  • Longevity - How long particles stay.
  • Position XYZ - Position of Emitter.
  • Radius XYZ - Emitter zone, laid upwardly it together with then it look flat. In this case, Y radius is laid upwardly to 0.
  • Velocity - No veloctity or a real pocket-sized value together with then the particle motion inwards a direction slowly.
  • Gravity - No gravity or a real pocket-sized value together with then the particle motion inwards a direction slowly.
  • Particle Type - "Star" travel the best, you lot tin purpose "cube" too.
  • Birth / Death Size - Use a pocket-sized value.


Compositing the outcome on our anime background fine art is at 1 time forward.

 This is a curt tutorial on animating anime trend H2O moving ridge together with sparkle glitter using Af Anime Water Wave Sparkle Glitter Tutorial
We volition live on using multiple particle arrangement for glitter outcome together with multiple fractal dissonance for moving ridge effect. Generally, nosotros volition split them into 2 groups, glowing together with not glowing.

 This is a curt tutorial on animating anime trend H2O moving ridge together with sparkle glitter using Af Anime Water Wave Sparkle Glitter Tutorial
  • Use "Classic Color Dodge / Color Dodge" blend agency for the glowing glitter together with wave.(area below the sun). This blend agency volition attain to a greater extent than colors compare to "Add" or "Linear Dodge".
  • Use "Overlay" blend agency for the not glowing glitter together with wave.
  • Mask the glowing moving ridge together with glitter layer together with then it alone look below the sun. (Look at moving icon for reference)
For terminal touch, apply "Glow" filters together with "Camera Lens Blur" filters for bokeh effect.

Using stock footage

Aside of doing the outcome manually, nosotros tin purpose stock footage to accomplish the same outcome easily. This method volition genuinely await ameliorate a lot of time.

 This is a curt tutorial on animating anime trend H2O moving ridge together with sparkle glitter using Af Anime Water Wave Sparkle Glitter Tutorial
So, accept your photographic idiot box camera amongst tripod together with become to a nearby lake or body of body of water to tape only about video. Then import the footage together with Color Dodge blend them inwards AfterEffects.

Using Blender3D

If you lot are a Blender3D user, you lot tin accomplish like final result equally good using "Particle System" together with "Wave" modifier".
  1. Add a plane together with subdivide it until at that topographic point are plenty polygon for moving ridge displacement
  2. Add "Wave" modifier"
  3. Add "Particle System" modifier"

 This is a curt tutorial on animating anime trend H2O moving ridge together with sparkle glitter using Af Anime Water Wave Sparkle Glitter Tutorial
  • Start Position Object - Add an "Empty" to the scene together with purpose it equally the starting seat of the wave.
  • Texture - Add a novel texture for the moving ridge displacement. In my case, I purpose "cloud".
Remember to play amongst other settings such equally "Speed", "Width", "Height" together with "Narrowness".

 This is a curt tutorial on animating anime trend H2O moving ridge together with sparkle glitter using Af Anime Water Wave Sparkle Glitter Tutorial
  • Number - Number of particles.
  • Physic - Disable Physic.
  • Render - Choose "Object", model a star mesh together with laid upwardly it equally particle shape.


The terminal final result of anime H2O outcome tin live on sentiment inwards the next youtube video.

This method tin live on purpose inwards whatever other software amongst particle system, I believe you lot tin fifty-fifty purpose it for game development.


DeviantArt Anime Sunset
Pixiv Anime Sunset
Youtube Anime Sunset
Vimeo Anime Sunset

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